
Welcome to the Life After a TBI blog!

At LifeTBI.org, I think living a life after suffering any type of brain injury can be just as fulfilling as prior to the condition or incident.

Building an understanding of the differences between your brain before, and your brain now can be overwhelming at first since there are so many moving parts to consider. Your daily routine, scheduling your time, your new limits, and social changes to name a few.

In this blog, I will be giving advice and insight about certain things that I have experienced as a Christian with brain damage who served in the USMC. I pray that my experiences will help you make decisions and better learn to live your life for the glory of God.


I’m all about helping you not only get started on your new adventure, but succeeding in a satisfying life with your new brain. Whether it’s with socializing, learning a new skill or even just enjoying your old hobbies again. The fact that you are here seeking to learn how to improve your life, even after life throws it’s curve ball, speaks for your character.

I have faith that anyone can take what has been given to them and make the most of what they have. Achieving your goals and contributing to society isn’t impossible. I want to enable you to reach your dreams and truly love the life God has given you.

Ready to get started?

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